Photo of Yuchen Ma

Yuchen Ma

Chinese Students & Scholars Association: Deputy President (Internal)

My name is Yuchen Ma, and I am a third-year biomedical engineering student presenting my candidacy for the Deputy President (Internal) of CSSA. I am passionately committed to enhancing our internal relations, advocating for our community's interests, and amplifying out cultural and academic presence on an internal stage. My vision is to transform CSSA into a vital bridge connecting Chinese students and scholars with the wider international community and boost internal culture and resource exchange, thereby opening up new opportunities support for members.

In my previous role as Deputy Head of the Career Department (Innovation) within CSSA, I was responsible for engaging with external entities such as companies, educational institutions, and various orgnizations to orchestrate events that directly benefit our members. This role provided me with invaluable experience in internal engagement and development, skills that are paramount for the Depty President (Internal) position.

Through my close work with our members to advance their career opportunities, I have gained a profound understanding of their needs, aspirations, and the chalenges they face. This understanding equips me to effectively champion the interests of our members in forums and events hosted by us.

My previous tenure has not only honed my ability to forge meaningful internal relationships but also deepened my commitment to out community's welfare. As Deputy President (External), I plan to leverage these experiences to foster stronger parnerships, advocate more effective for out members, and ensure CSSA's role as a dynamic and influential force in the international area.