Chinese Students & Scholars Association: Deputy President (Internal)


Kang Yang

Hey Guys! Welcome back! Glad you could come to the Second Round of the ICCSSA Election. I am Kang Yang, and I have been part of ICCSSA for almost 3 years. My journey with ICCSSA began in the Media department and has taken me to the Career department, where I have co-organized many events like 帝国好声音, 名企行, 新生见面会, and 春节晚会. My goal as Internal President is to firstly serve all the committee members w ...

Yuchen Ma

My name is Yuchen Ma, and I am a third-year biomedical engineering student presenting my candidacy for the Deputy President (Internal) of CSSA. I am passionately committed to enhancing our internal relations, advocating for our community's interests, and amplifying out cultural and academic presence on an internal stage. My vision is to transform CSSA into a vital bridge connecting Chinese students and scholars with ...