Photo of Ding Ding

Ding Ding

Chinese Students & Scholars Association: Deputy President (External)

Hello everyone,

My name is Ding, and I am from the Department of Chemistry. I joined Imperial in 2020 and will be returning as a PhD student. I served as the Deputy President Internal in 2022-2023, and it was a truly rewarding experience. Working closely with various departments, we achieved over 500k views on our official WeChat channel and tripled our followers. We were the first organization to use professional cameras for live events, enhancing remote experiences and integrating them into stage performances.

My goal and ambition are to serve all of us not only in entertainment and events but also in career opportunities. Next year, we will host job fairs and skills training events. By collaborating with other CSPs, companies, and scholars, we will provide real-time information and opportunities. Workshops and drop-in sessions will be available for everyone's benefit.

With my experience and future plans, I believe I can be an approachable and conscientious Deputy President (External) for everyone. It’s no longer about me and you; it’s about us!