Photo of George Giakoumopoulos

George Giakoumopoulos

Energy: Vice President (Projects)

Energy generation is one of, if not the most, important branch of science. Everything around us is the way it is only because of the breakthroughs in energy generation of the past - and now more than ever, more breakthroughs are needed. I'm truly passionate about this field and believe that the scientists and engineers of the future need to get real hands on experience in the field of energy. This is why I'm applying for vice president of projects of the energy society.

I aim to make the energy society a large society once again, filled with many projects about what students are interested and passionate about. I want this not only in the hope of a world changing technology but more realistically simply because its fun. I worked on the the energy floor panel project this year, and it was genuinely one of the most interesting, fun and useful things I did all year. I hope to replicate this experience for more people by introducing more and bigger projects.

I also hope that this position allows me to meet more people passionate about this field, and whether I get voted in or not, I look forward to working with you all.