Photo of Rachel Fernandes

Rachel Fernandes

Plastic Surgery: Graphics and Design Officer


I am Rachel, a first-year medic and I would love to be your Graphics and Design Officer for Plastic Surgery Society!

Here’s what I hope to bring to the society:

My vision:

  • Consistent Branding + Colour Palette: Develop and maintain a cohesive and professional look across all our materials, ensuring the society has a distinct and recognisable brand.
  • Social Media Presence: Create stunning graphics for our social media channels to maximise engagement and reach.
  • Event Promotion: Craft eye-catching posters for our events to attract more participants.

My experience:

  • Produced a range of digital art pieces which I have sold via online platforms.
  • Designed wall graphics for a new study space at my sixth form.
  • Developed a new art therapy station for Teddy Bear Hospital, working alongside other subcommittee members.
  • Accomplished in working collaboratively within teams to achieve goals within given timelines: Cultural Officer for Imperial South Asian Society, Subcommittee for Gastro & Hepatology Society and Teddy Bear Hospital.

Thank you for taking the time to read my manifesto!