Photo of Yun Hui Tan

Yun Hui Tan

Plastic Surgery: Social Media / Publicity Officer

Hello! I am Abigail/ Yun Hui, and I am running to be Publicity Officer of iPRAS! Some of you might have seen me running around RCS with the camera and sling bag, taking photos during Reconstructing the Stereotype and Microsurgery conferences. Yes, that’s me - I wish to utilise my experience to contribute more to the iPRAS committee as Publicity Officer.

Indeed, I learnt to capture the salient features of the conferences through photography. For instance, close-up photos of neurovascular bundle dissection for microsurgery, can intrigue people to attend the unique workshops. Photographing participants utilising VR headsets by Medtronic, can also help with sustaining their sponsorship. In addition, as publicity representative for my high school’s mathematics interest groups, I created Instagram posts and newsletters that make math theorems interesting through visuals and real-life applications. I believe these skills are transferable to enable me to creative effective, attention-grabbing publicity material for iPRAS.

I aim to introduce sneak peaks at conferences in iPRAS Instagram posts, and post about plastic surgery fun facts more often to increase visibility. Also, some conference photos could be released to participants for their memories, upon their request.

Having been part of iPRAS subcommittee for the past year, I helped in procuring conference supplies, refreshments and set up/ cleanup, and ushering and interacting with participants. I have gained a deeper understanding of the preparations, coordination and flow needed to run conferences. I believe I am ready to step up to lead more conference preparations as part of iPRAS committee.