Photo of Siobhan Oghughu

Siobhan Oghughu

Infectious Diseases Society: Academic Officer

Hey there! I'm Siobhan, and I'd love to stand for the position of Academic Officer. Infectious Diseases is a big interest of mine - it is fascinating to learn about, and is a pretty big deal in all of our lives! As a BMB student, I will particularly ensure there are opportunities for everyone (as opposed to solely medical students) to expand their knowledge on the subject!

I seek to work with the rest of committee in organising ID-related workshops, tutorials and resources -- involving one or two sessions targeted for BMB students taking Immunology and Inflammation in Year 2 -- but also for any Imperial student who is keen on learning more about ID. The annual conference is a great opportunity for this, but having things going on all year round is also amazing!

Thanks for reading my manifesto, and I hope you consider voting for me 😁