Infectious Diseases Society: Academic Officer


Shen Li

Hi everyone! I am excited to apply for the position of Academic Officer for the Infectious Disease Society. As a first-year Medical Biosciences student deeply interested in infectious diseases and global health, I am passionate about supporting my peers in their academic journey and raising awareness about this critical field. Key Objectives Resources: I plan to put together useful resources, including revision m ...

Siobhan Oghughu

Hey there! I'm Siobhan, and I'd love to stand for the position of Academic Officer. Infectious Diseases is a big interest of mine - it is fascinating to learn about, and is a pretty big deal in all of our lives! As a BMB student, I will particularly ensure there are opportunities for everyone (as opposed to solely medical students) to expand their knowledge on the subject! I seek to work with the rest of committee i ...

Jessica Glenn

When saying the words 'infectious disease', hazmat suits, isolation bubbles and undesired reminders of lockdown spring to mind. Since it is not as common a speciality, placement does not do much until later years to dissuade us from this. However, to me, ID is one of the most engaging aspects of medicine. Histories need to be all encompassing, with even the most minor of details potentially having massive impact. I ...