Photo of Dorsa Daleri

Dorsa Daleri

Radiology Society: Chair


I'm Dorsa, and I would love to be your next Radiology Chair. My experience in clinical engineering, surgical robotics, and 3D printing has deepened my passion for radiology. Working with cutting-edge technologies, I have witnessed how radiological advancements revolutionise diagnostic accuracy and patient care. This experience has fueled my desire to actively contribute to the field's growth and development.

As an active member of the RAG committee this year, I’ve gained valuable experience that directly aligns with the responsibilities of this role. Launching “Own It,” a public health initiative in collaboration with St Mary’s Hospital, has developed my organisational and leadership skills by coordinating meetings, developing session plans, recruiting volunteers, and overseeing educational sessions for +150 students. This experience has prepared me to engage effectively with committee, volunteers and students as chair.

My aims:

  • Collaborate with the committee to enhance our teaching series+ mock exams, using feedback forms to gather and incorporate student input, ensuring our tutorials achieve the best outcomes.
  • Partner with other medical societies to organise joint projects and events, highlighting radiology's interdisciplinary nature and fostering cross-disciplinary learning, networking, and professional development
  • Enhance professional development opportunities by organising guest speakers+ workshops with leading experts in the field of radiology. This will help members stay updated with the latest advancements and prepare for successful careers in radiology.

As chair, I aim to create a vibrant and inclusive society environment that encourages active participation, collaboration, and friendship among members :)

Thank you for reading my manifesto! ❤️💙💛