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Sharon Daniel

General Practice (ICSM): Early Years Reprentative

Hi I’m Sharon and I’m running for early years representative. Some ideas I had for events include talks from GPs about how to get a career as a GP, Talks from GPs about what life as a GP is like, networking opportunities and mentoring schemes for early years students interested in a career as a GP.

I have experience of being the year 3 rep and early years rep previously for GP Soc, so I have a good idea of the way GP Soc works as well as what's needed to run the events. When I was previously early years rep , I helped to organise an intro to GP placement and history taking talk which if elected I would like to run again. other roles I have had which have given me good teamworking , communication and organisation skills include :

  • Dermatology Society
    • President 2022 - 2023
    • Alumni Officer 2021 - 2022
  • Surgical Society Subcommittee 2022 - 2023
  • General Practice Society
  • South Asian Society
    • Subcommittee Member- 2021
    • Social Secretary 2021 -2022
  • Indian Society Subcommittee member- 2021
  • Christian Medical Fellowship Treasurer 2021 - 2022
  • Clinical Genetics Publicity Officer 2023 - 2024

I think that it is important to involve early years in GP events and as such if elected, I hope to make some more interesting and engaging events for early years.