Hello! I’m Rhea, a first-year student studying Economics, Finance, and Data Science. I am honored to present my candidacy for the role of Deputy Head of the Entertainment Department (External). Collaboration Across Departments: My foremost objective is to cultivate a spirit of collaboration across all departments. By promoting open communication and inclusivity, I aim to make our events more impactful and enga ...
是个还没被摧残的大一新生,头还没有秃,还可以为大家鞠躬尽瘁死而后已。 校内校外皆有人脉,必须带来更多的校园内外交流,全力为大家打造更好的娱乐氛围。 认真负责,主要是嘎嘎能整活,开发各种新鲜的活动毫无压力,选我当外联准没错! 曾任2022-2023南京高中生联盟委员会委员2023 TEDx南京外联负责人 As a first-year student yet to be weathered by hardships, my hair remains intact, and I am fully prepared to serve and dedicate myse ...
Hiii! I am Joelle, currently a year 1 biomed student, and I am running as your deputy head of entertainment department (external). My experience in event organising was from middle school, from organising talent shows, spirit days, sports tournaments, prom events, charity events etc. As your deputy head of entertainment, I would like to welcome all our freshers to our community by having an orientation and meet-up b ...