Photo of Wilson Zhang

Wilson Zhang

Chinese Students & Scholars Association: Vice President

My name is Wilson, your current Deputy President for External Affairs.

I stand before you as a candidate, fellow student, and friend who has faced similar challenges and celebrated our academic journey together. As your servant, I strive to serve our society and each one of you.

Throughout my years of service, I have leveraged personal connections to bring you the best events. My experience with sponsors and stakeholders has maximized our society’s income, evident in this year's fantastic events. My team and I have worked tirelessly to deliver these benefits to you.

In my eight years in the UK, I’ve always ensured accessibility for parents and students. Whether supporting Chinese students in hospitals or assisting those who werent being able to be contacted by their loved ones, we have bridged the distance, ensuring safety and wellness. This mission is my pledge: to be your first point of contact in times of need.

If you’ve felt unheard in past years, now is the time for change. Your contributions are invaluable, and I promise to make them count. From entertainment and cultural celebrations to academic and networking opportunities, your ideas will be brought to life.

Congratulations on your achievements at Imperial College London. Now, I seek your support to build a society that is a stepping stone to your success. Together, we will create a future that reflects our collective aspirations. Thank you.