Photo of Anusha Sajeev

Anusha Sajeev

Doctorpreneurs: Secretary

Though a career in medicine promises to be rewarding in itself, I can’t help but wish to broaden my horizons and see what the world of business has to offer. Therefore, I am excited to put forward my candidacy for the position of Secretary as I believe it will be the perfect opportunity to further explore my areas of interest, particularly MedTech and Finance, be inspired by the work of fellow members and to utilise my organisational and time-management skills to support the sustainable growth of the Doctorpreneur’s community.

Having managed the sales team of a Young Enterprise Student business, I am equipped with the attention to detail, and proactiveness necessary to effectively handle the society’s administrative tasks.

As secretary, I promise to

  • Take leadership in the scheduling of meetings, ensuring agendas are efficiently covered and creating comprehensive minutes to be sent out to members
  • Create regular newsletters, detailing to members the latest society updates as well as any networking opportunities, workshops or competitions upcoming. The newsletter will provide a space for members to publicly share any ideas they have or to write articles relating to their fields of interest
  • Help in the organisation of business hackathons, where students collaborate to brainstorm and create a solution to a real-world problem to encourage teamwork and innovation

As secretary I will be committed to transparent communication, ensuring all members are informed, every voice is heard, and every idea is value