Photo of Shen Li

Shen Li

Botanical: Media Officer

As a first-year undergraduate with a passion for both plants and media, I am excited to apply for the position of Media Officer for the Botanical Society. My enthusiasm for plants and my proficiency in digital communication make me an ideal candidate to enhance our society's online presence and engagement.

Through creative content and active communication, I aim to foster a vibrant community of plant enthusiasts, and make our events and activities accessible and exciting for all members.

Key Objectives

  • Creative Content Creation: I will produce visually appealing and engaging content across our social media platforms. This could include event announcements, plant care tips, and highlights from our events, and ensuring it reaches a wide audience.
  • Organising events: I will also work alongside other committee members to organise a variety of events, potentially including social gatherings, trips, as well as talks from experts.

About me

  • Digital Skills: Proficient in social media management and graphic design, I can create content that is both informative and captivating.
  • Communication Skills: My strong verbal and written communication skills will ensure effective promotion of our events and activities, fostering greater member participation.
  • Passion for Plants: My passion for plants and dedication to sharing knowledge will drive my efforts to create a supportive online environment.

By electing me as your Media Officer, you will be choosing a dedicated and creative individual ready to enhance the Botanical Society's online presence. Together, we can cultivate a thriving community of plant enthusiasts.

Thank you for your consideration!