Orthopaedics Society: Vice President


Iihan Ali

Hello everyone my name is Iihan. As a member of ICSM Orthopaedics Society, I am excited to present my manifesto for the role of Vice-President of ICSM Orthopaedics Society. This role offers a remarkable opportunity to promote Orthopaedics as a dynamic and impactful field. My leadership journey began as a Co-President of the ICSM Oncology Society, where I developed skills in orchestrating successful events and fos ...

Hannah Seo

Hello everyone! My name is Hannah and I am a second year medic running to be your Vice Pres for next year. As an aspiring surgeon and someone who loves orthopaedics as a specialty, I would greatly appreciate the opportunity to serve as Vice Pres for Ortho Soc. Here are some of the things I would like to continue growing for Orthopaedics Society as Vice President. Opportunities: variety of engaging opportunities ...