Photo of Hannah Seo

Hannah Seo

Orthopaedics Society: Vice President

Hello everyone!

My name is Hannah and I am a second year medic running to be your Vice Pres for next year.

As an aspiring surgeon and someone who loves orthopaedics as a specialty, I would greatly appreciate the opportunity to serve as Vice Pres for Ortho Soc.

Here are some of the things I would like to continue growing for Orthopaedics Society as Vice President.

  1. Opportunities: variety of engaging opportunities for people who are thinking of pursuing a career in Orthopaedics to stretch interest, make connections with other students and doctors and to chances to seek guidance from experts on the ins and outs of this specialty as well as opportunities to encourage Ortho as a specialty to consider through talks, networking chances, conferences etc.
  2. More publicity for OrthoSoc and its events and becoming an even more welcoming and inclusive society for new members
  3. Find potential sponsors who can help to take ICSM Orthopaedics Society to new heights in terms of events, merch(?!) and support

I believe that my experiences of organising teaching series, hosting large scale events in the past and holding managerial roles within teams will support me in this role.

Thank you for reading and your vote would be much appreciated !