Photo of Shen Li

Shen Li

BiomED: Treasurer

Hi everyone! I’m Shen, as a dedicated first-year Medical Biosciences student, I am excited to apply for the position of Treasurer for the BiomED society. My strong attention to details, coupled with a passion for providing BMB students with valuable resources and improving our career prospects, positions me well to manage our society’s finances effectively.

Key Objectives

  • Transparent Financial Management: I will maintain clear and accurate financial records, providing regular updates to the committee and members to ensure transparency.
  • Efficient Budgeting: I will develop and manage budgets for all society activities, including tutorials, internships, and our flagship annual conference, ensuring we utilise our resources effectively.
  • Fundraising and Sponsorship: I will actively seek sponsorships and organise fundraising activities to secure additional funds, enabling us to expand our offerings and reduce costs for members.

About me

  • Financial Skills: My proficiency in budgeting, accounting, and financial planning will ensure meticulous management of society funds.
  • Attention to Detail: My keen attention to detail will help in accurately tracking income and expenses, ensuring every penny is accounted for.
  • Respond to feedback: I’m eager to learn, always welcome feedback and committed to continuously improving, ensuring that I remain responsive to the evolving needs of our members.

By electing me as your Treasurer, you will be choosing a reliable and committed individual ready to ensure the financial stability and growth of the BiomED society. I look forward to the opportunity to work alongside all of you to create a supportive and enriching environment for all members.