Photo of Shen Li

Shen Li

Bioscience Review: Events Officer

As a first-year undergraduate in Medical Biosciences who is passionate about science and scientific communication, I am excited to apply for the position of Event Officer for Imperial Bioscience Review.

Key Objectives

  • Diverse Event Portfolio: I plan to organise a variety of events, including writing workshops, guest speaker sessions with established science journalists, and collaborative events with other Imperial societies and other UK universities.
  • Enhanced Networking Opportunities: I will facilitate accessible networking events, enabling members to connect with professionals and peers in the life sciences.
  • Showcase Members’ Work: I will work with other members of the committee to ensure there are ample opportunities for members to present their work, both online and in print, fostering a supportive environment for budding science writers.

About me

  • Organisational Skills: My strong organisational skills will ensure that all events are meticulously planned and executed.
  • Communication Skills: I am proficient in coordinating with speakers, collaborators, and members, ensuring smooth and effective communication.
  • Respond to feedback: I’m eager to learn, always welcome feedback and committed to continuously improving, ensuring that I remain responsive to the evolving needs of our members.

By electing me as your Event Officer, you will be choosing a proactive and dedicated individual ready to enhance the IBR Magazine experience through well-organised and impactful events. I look forward to the possibility to work alongside all of you to build a thriving community passionate about science and scientific communication.

Thank you for your consideration!