Photo of Edgar Schaeff

Edgar Schaeff

Yacht: Cruising Officer

Ahoi Sailors ⛵️,

I would love to become your cruising Officer next year. I would like to continue in the steps of Sophie Roberts, who has done excellent job as crusing officer this year.

In preparation for the role next year, I am currently organizing a yachting trip to the solent for early june. Also this Summer I will be working as commercial Skipper in Croatia. (It will be soo much fun 🥳!!).

This year I have been Trip Officer, and am responsible for organizing the scotland trip together with Eliot and Barbara. I really enjoyed my time in Committee so far and would enjoy continuing this journey🏴‍☠️. (Lets make the solent unsafe together 😎).

I hope to continue building miles (4800+sm) and am happy to teach others how to sink a boat safely.

Mast und Schottbruch (German for your boat better gets recked:D ~ supposed to bring luck)



PS: 2nd Lad from right on the Pic😮‍💨