Photo of Carolina Moura Bento

Carolina Moura Bento

BiomED: Year 1 Lead

Hi everyone! My name is Carolina, I am a first year BMB student and I am applying for the role of Year 1 representative.

I am deeply passionate about science communication and education. If I were able to take on this role, I would have the chance of bridging the upcoming year 1 students and the BiomED committee, making sure all the events are organised in the best way possible according to the cohort's dealines and timeline.

Currently, as BMB subcommittee representative and Women in STEM vice president, I have taken part in the organisation and development of several events. For such, I have reached out to speakers, collected feedback from my peers from year one, two and three, and dealt with several types of paperwork. The skills I took up in these roles would enable me to positively contribute to the success of the events organised by BiomED.

Therefore, I consider myself a great candidate for the Year 1 representative role as I feel that not only my skills but also my enthusiasm and proactive nature would enable me to have a positive impact on BiomED. I would love to have the opportunity to actively engage with this committee and take on this new challenge.