Photo of Sabrina Cruz

Sabrina Cruz

BiomED: Alumni Relations Coordinator

Hi everyone! My name is Sabrina Cruz, I’m a First Year Medical Biosciences Student running for the Alumni Relations Coordinator position in the BiomED Society.

It can be very difficult to find what interests you and choose what career you want to pursue in the future, especially at the beginning of your university career. Having spoken to many people doing different degrees and careers has opened my eyes to the array of jobs available to me. BMB has an incredible range of alumni who have experience in a variety of fields, sectors and industries. As Alumni Relations Coordinator, I wish to nurture and foster connections between alumni and current students to help them reach and achieve their goals.

In this position, I plan to help organize events where you can network and get to know BMB and Imperial alumni, and even postgraduate students undergoing further study. To be able to get an idea of the necessary steps needed to enter certain careers and job fields, speaking with people in those sectors can give you a lot of insight and advice.

Additionally, as I am currently tutoring whilst studying, having done so for years, I believe that I am equipped with the necessary skills of organization and time-management to fulfill this role to a high standard.

I hope that through reading my manifesto, you can see my passion for this role and choose to elect me as your next Alumni Relations Coordinator. Thank you!