Photo of Rohan Bhupal

Rohan Bhupal

Medicine (UG): Phase 3a Wellbeing Representative

Hi I'm Rohan Bhupal (The Bhups IYKYK) and I'm running to be your wellbeing rep for Phase 3a!

Having had my own experiences with mental health, I appreciate the key importance of balancing mental health amongst university hobbies and personal time. Whilst 5th year is a great learning opportunity, it is also a very long year that can cause potential burnout, stress and high levels of anxiety. I aim to tackle this through the following measures:

- Central surveys for feedback for all placements in each type of placement block to be reported to faculty
- Feedback from students by site for each placement
- More support for students in person as a year group considering the lack of whole year teaching (e.g. monthly wellbeing/talks on campus or guest speakers in Charing Cross)
- More support for difficulties experienced on placement, considering sensitive specialities such as psychiatry and peadiatrics
- Greater strengthening of counselling and other mental health services within the faculty of medicine (mental health workers specific for the faculty)

Most importantly, my approachable and open personality will allow for anyone in my year to approach me anytime with issues they have. I will stand for issues that mean no one should be discriminated, regardless of differences in race, sex or gender or any other differences. My experience of being president of Punjabi Society and social secretary of cricket and South Asian societies shows my dedication to improving student life as a whole.

Vote Rohan for a better and brilliant year at ICSM!