Photo of Renee Servin Recio

Renee Servin Recio

Medicine (UG): Phase 3b Wellbeing Representative

Hi I'm Renee and I am running to be your Wellbeing Rep this year. Having been heavily involved in SU, I believe I have the skills, experience and expertise necessary for the role and I would love to represent you and advocate for your welfare. My previous experience as Clubs and Socs Chair as well as Rag Chair allows me to understand the dynamic system of the SU, giving me a unique perspective on the role and its intricacies. Furthermore, these roles have allowed me to develop my communication, organisation, and leadership which will be important when raising proposals or relaying feedback to FEO.

Within the role itself, I understand the importance of the feedback loop: creating the survey, collecting responses and producing a clear and concise report to communicate the needs of our cohort to faculty. I am also aware of all the services offered by FEO and Imperial and have the necessary knowledge to signpost anyone that may need any help throughout the year.

I want to focus on support with finances, clear communication about the UKFPO process and help with preparing for foundation years e.g. relocating, in addition to finding out any other aims the year may have. So please vote for me as your next Wellbeing Rep as I am eager to make a change and ensure that our feedback is heard!