Photo of Pruthvi Shrikaanth

Pruthvi Shrikaanth

Computing (UG): Year One Academic Representative

Hi everyone, I'm Pruthvi and I am ready to be your first year Computing academic representative!

As one amongst you, I fully understand and can sympathise with any problems you may encounter during the course, and I will address them to the greatest extent I can, as a person and as an academic representative. Whether it's a problem with the delivery of course content, exam scheduling or even a personal problem with timetabling or anything else, I will take up your cause and support you to achieve your highest.

Is a lecturerer moving too fast through content? Are you falling behind in a module? It's probably not just you! If this is at all the case then I will organise a meeting with our lecturers to put forward our collective concerns about content delivery. If you are personally struggling then I can help you too! I'm not just here to represent you as a cohort, but to represent you as individuals too.

If something is troubling you then it doesn't necessarily have to relate to course delivery! Even if it's a problem such as not being able to get to lectures or taking time out of studies for whatever reason, I can discuss this with you and put you through to the right people.

My role is to support you as students in realising your potential. I will do that to the best of my ability, so I'd really appreciate if you gave me your vote! Vote before 24th noon.