Photo of Khushi Joshi

Khushi Joshi

Biological Sciences (UG): Year One Academic Representative

Hello everyone! My name is Khushi, and I'm really excited for the opportunity to be your Year 1 Academic Rep this year!

These past couple of weeks have been a whirlwind of discoveries: from learning to navigate the labyrinth that is Blackboard to timetabling queries that were raised even before university officially started, we've all learnt that the transition from high school to university is a confusing process, especially when it comes to academics. After all, it isn't something that's open to interpretation, and we want to get our facts clear lest we make a mistake.

As a Year 1 student myself, I've had a fair share of these issues, and I understand that it isn't always easy to contact the right person or even find the right way to go about addressing your doubts, which can lead to panic, stress, and other things that students really do not need in their lives. Which is why, if you'd allow me to, I'd like to become THAT person for you: someone you can always come to for questions, feedback, support, etc., on anything academic-related, and be able to rest easy at night because you know that I'll ensure that your message gets passed on to the right people.

Regardless of whether we've spoken before or not, I promise to make you feel comfortable enough to approach me for academic information, and I sincerely hope that you would let me represent you and be your voice.

Thank you for voting!