Photo of Marco Guglielmucci

Marco Guglielmucci

Materials (UG): Year One Academic Representative

As a great communicator, organised and confident individual , I believe myself to be a strong candidate for this year’s academic representative. Specifically, I commit myself to being a voice for the cohort, understanding the problems we’ll face regarding revision timelines and homework deadlines and using my position to help us through our first year. As previously mentioned, and perhaps already demonstrated, I’m confident and excellent at clearly communicating ideas to others as well as speaking in front of large groups. Furthermore, my previous experience in similar councils in secondary school have already galvanised the aforementioned skills allowing me to grow and develop them. As a very social person, I enjoy sharing ideas with others, which is one of the main reasons I am running for the given position, as this role requires someone who’s willing to approach and discuss ideas with many different people on a frequent basis whilst still being approachable and available to members of our cohort. Finally, I view myself as reasonable and engaging and know that I will be able to relate to anyone. Nevertheless, engagement through voting and otherwise will be essential for facilitating positive change.

Voting for me means a capable, competent and confident person will be able to take charge of matters which may have the possibility of affecting our degrees. Additionally, it’s integral to consider that we're optimising the system for Imperial alumni of the future and possibly even making changes which could help us over the next few years.