Photo of Catherine James

Catherine James

Medicine (UG): Phase 1a Academic Representative

Hi, I’m Catherine and I’ve really enjoyed meeting everyone in fresher’s week. I wish to offer to serve as our academic representative for our first medical year, to make the most meaningful impact to each one of us here.

My dream is that we can move through medical school as a collaborative team, sharing ideas, clarifying concerns, and supporting each other through our academic challenges, making our learning maximally effective and ensuring our joint success. I wish to create a cohesive team, caring academically for every member so that in six years, we can stand united and successful on the graduation stage, celebrating in unison.

Working collaboratively, I feel is key, drawing on our wealth of experiences and strengths. I am keen to ensure that our academic environment is supported and prioritised, and I’m happy to advocate for feedback and assistance from faculty, to ensure that our learning is maximally effective. I will create peer support networks, organise joint revision sessions and create an online academic hub with resources, summaries and revision tools, to maximise our efficient collaborative working, recognising when we need improvements from faculty and ensuring all our voices are heard.

I would love to help at this early stage, to make a real difference, as I believe if we can lay firm collaborative, supportive foundations, these will continue with us throughout medical school, and have the maximal chances of success.

Do please vote for me if you would like me to serve you.