Photo of Edgar Schaeff

Edgar Schaeff

Biochemistry (UG): Year Two Academic Representative

Dear Biochemists,

I am running to become your academic representative, because I want to continue in collating, communicating, and debating your interests effectively at student staff committee meetings, and beyond.

Last year, I conducted regular polls and surveys, and we representatives worked hard to clarify your calendar, to spread out deadlines, and to ensure that our modules happen in series to avoid timetabling confusion.

Additionally, I argued for a change in lecture times and deadlines, changing exam structure and gaining more tutorials and problem sheets to practice.

While these efforts were turned away, we still made progress.

Firstly, future year groups can look forward to an BC/EM exam with fewer questions in the same time frame, and a fairer deadline distribution between groups A&B.

Secondly, we made the department aware of what we students need to improve our learning experience. Yet large changes take years and multiple cohorts’ feedback to implement.

And lastly, by discussing these challenging topics, I now know what academic feedback is negotiable with the department, allowing me to persuasively argue your points in the future.

I really want to continue representing our year group, I have got a year of experience, am acquainted with the relevant staff, and will as enthusiastically as last year populate our WhatsApp group with polls:).

You guys know that I am always approachable, that I am invested in our year groups wellbeing, and that I speak up for you.

Make the right choice. Vote for me.

Yours, Edgar