Photo of Victor Carreras

Victor Carreras

Biochemistry (UG): Year Three Academic Representative

Hello everyone! My name is Victor, and I’m running to be your Year 3 Academic Representative.

This year, with two new courses and two new course convenors, it's more important than ever that our experiences are communicated effectively to the administration. I’m committed to ensuring that any issues we encounter, whether related to course quality, sewage leaking from the ceiling (@MNE students), or the accessibility of learning resources like having lecture slides uploaded to Blackboard before lectures, are addressed promptly.

I have strong communication skills and am confident in representing our collective voices during Union meetings. I want to make sure that your feedback directly informs how our education is shaped, ensuring we all have the best possible learning experience. It’s our last year, let’s make it a good one!

I will also be accessible to you, in person (I'm the tall one, so I'll be easy to spot), over email, or in group chats, to gather any concerns you have and keep you updated on any actions taken.

Thank you and I hope you'll consider voting for me.