Photo of Lair Hanzen Argentin

Lair Hanzen Argentin

Medicine (UG): Biomedical Science - Year One Academic Representative

Hola chicos! I’m Lair Argentin Hanzen, a fellow student from Brazil/Argentinian who just completed IB in Oslo, Norway. Now I’m here, running for academic rep to make our BMB cohort the BEST it can possibly be!!

Why BMB? I’m passionate about researching Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s, and Imperial‘s BMB is the perfect place for that.

Beyond academics: I’ve joined societies like football, music, hiking, neuro and cinema, but what I most love is hanging out and getting to know new people (and finding free food ;)).

Why vote for me?

• In Brazil, I learned about how schools shift to modern learning, and I helped my school in Oslo do the same by leading efforts to replace printed material with digital resources like video-presentations and introducing interactive interdisciplinary projects.

• I started/lead project called Triumpha, teaching underprivileged kids in Africa - it showed me the challenges of both teaching AND learning.

• I get how intimidating the flipped system can be, but I’ve seen how powerful it can be when done right, and how INCREDIBLY empowering it is when every student is heard.

As your rep, I’ll create surveys and stay after class to hear your thoughts, ensuring EVERY complaint, feedback, or idea will arrive at the meeting table, teaching staff, or department faculty, bringing REAL improvements and fixing any issues within the program.

I’m extremely enthusiastic about this course, and I will genuinely give my all into making our time at Imperial exceptional and memorable for everyone :)