Photo of Safaa Qazi

Safaa Qazi

Design Engineering (UG): Year One Academic Representative

It would be a privilege to secure your vote to be your academic representative for this year. My main goal is to act as a mouthpiece for the cohort by listening to your concerns and amplifying them to the relevant module leads, therefore bringing about effective and useful change for all of us, and for future design engineering students.

There’s a reason why DesEng is the best department at Imperial - the students! Our greatest strength is our combined diversity; we all come from different academic and personal backgrounds. I want to utilise the variation in our educational experiences to approach every concern from every perspective. I am an avid listener and will strive to always relay every suggestion made, no matter how big or small.

Aside from my skills in communication and persuasion, I also want to be an approachable person that you can always come to for your academic concerns. However, should you find it hard to discuss your academic challenges face-to-face, I would create an online form where anyone can send their concerns, suggestions or queries completely anonymously. I genuinely want to hear what you have to say!

I want to better the academic experience for all of us, and for the cohorts to follow. By fostering an environment where we can all work collaboratively (something we are all pretty good at already) we can together make real, effective change. Vote Safaa!