Design Engineering (UG): Year Two Academic Representative


Safiyya Ahmed

Hello! I'm Safiyya, and I'm running to be your Year 2 Academic Rep! I want to be your Rep for a few reasons, but at the heart of it, I care a lot about this degree and your experience of it! Here are a few of reasons why you should vote for me: Proactiveness: - I believe being an Academic Rep is about ensuring clear communication between the students and the department. I am good at being irritating. So I will em ...

Harrisen Crowder

Hello Team! Freddie Page conducted my interview and, like, totally knows my name and stuff, so we are basically best buds already! 😎 I spotted that our Year 2 module weights add up to 106.44% (I have an amazing eye for detail). Complaining is my No1 favourite hobby, so going pro would be a dream come true (unless Boston Dynamics offers me a job - then I am screwing you guys over…) Best wishes, Harrisen ...

Ben Surtees

Hello, I am running as your academic rep, with a simple aim, to ensure our complaints are brought to faculty and we get the results we deserve. I have some issues that I would want to bring anyway, namely the quality of mechanics revision materials, both ours and to help out the little freshers. And the injustice of RODH409 (nothing will happen though). However, that matters less than what the year thinks. As many ...

Neeka Garoosi

This candidate did not supply a manifesto.