Mechanical Engineering (UG): Year Two Wellbeing Representative


Xerxes Perry

Like you all I have been stressed and strained by ME1, but what if I told you, it does not necessarily have to be that way this year? I wish to see our cohort a closer community that supports each other when we are (engi)nearing our limits. I will ensure everyone is unobstructed in pursuing their goals, alongside enjoying the plethora of available activities, such that other courses whether concerned with medics or p ...

Diane Tassin de Nonneville

Hey everyone, We all know how challenging this year is going to be, so I'm running for well-being Rep because we’re all barely surviving this course. I’ll push for wellbeing activities (mechspace foosball tournament, potlucks, etc.), making sure people know about and can use the counselling services more, and spam emailing heads of subjects for you to get exemption when you've been ill whilst writing a l ...