Photo of Matthew Jones

Matthew Jones

Materials (UG): Year One Wellbeing Representative

I have nothing to offer but two things. hardwork and an open ear.

If you are like me, we have surely found the provisions in G03 lacking. this can be simply overhauled by the addtion of tea (the yorkshire kind of course) and coffee along with the roation of the types of fruit weekly!

Many of you among us, have great ideas brusting at the seems waiting to be shared without fear of bias or judgement. This is why I say we should have a white board open to all materials first years to share their ideas on a even playing field! This shall be located in the materials common room where the prying eyes of staff will not get a peak. this means that I will be the voice of you, the unheard.

Along the idea of being free of bias, I know one of the most important part of our social and mental welbeing is the feeling of commuinty that materials is known for. However this must not be taken for granted and we must do our part to enusre that this welcoming atmosphere continues. and to ensure this i shall have a weekly hour slot dedicated to how improve our communities welcoming nature.

A vote for me is a vote for all of us.

yours faithfully,

Matthew w Jones