Photo of Arsh Gupta

Arsh Gupta

Chemical Engineering (UG): Year One Wellbeing Representative

I understand firsthand the importance of mental and physical wellbeing and how it complements academic performance, having struggled with this balance during my A-levels. And now, especially within a demanding course like Chemical Engineering, I want to ensure everyone in our department has access to the support they need as they navigate university life.

During my time at school, I held various representative roles, including positions in the Student Voice and Head Boy team, where I advocated on issues such as mental health and exam stress. Although these roles were not solely focused on wellbeing, they equipped me with the communication, empathy, and leadership skills essential for this position.

If elected, I will work closely with staff, other representatives, and, most importantly, students to ensure that any issues are addressed promptly and effectively. I’ve already had informal conversations with peers during lectures, and some great ideas have come up regarding potential events and initiatives within the department. Any additional suggestions are more than welcome.

As your Wellbeing Rep, I aim to be approachable (maybe less so during a 9am lecture on Monday morning but I'll try my best), whether you need to share a new idea, talk through an issue, or simply need to vent. Whether you reach out to me in my official capacity or just as a fellow student, I will be more than happy to oblige (bonus points if you talk about cricket) and I hope you give me that chance by electing me to represent you.