Photo of Victor Carreras

Victor Carreras

Biochemistry (UG): Year Three Wellbeing Representative

Hi everyone! I'm Victor, and I'm running to be your Year Three Wellbeing Rep because I genuinely care about making sure we all have the support we need. University can be tough, and it’s okay to feel overwhelmed sometimes, especially with the looming stress of finding something for next year. I want to help make sure your wellbeing is just as valued as academic excellence, and that you know you’re never alone when things get challenging.

I've been in your shoes, and I know what it's like to need someone to talk to, believe me I have had my fair share of meetings with Anita Hall. Whether it's dealing with stress, financial worries, or anything else, I want to be the person you can turn to, to ensure your voice is heard by Imperial. My goal is to create a space where asking for help is normal and where your concerns are always taken seriously. Sometimes it's about connecting you with the right resources, and other times it's about ensuring your concerns are communicated discreetly and anonymously.

As your Wellbeing Rep, I'll make sure you know who I am and how to reach me. I'll actively seek your views, represent your concerns in meetings, and keep you updated on the outcomes. I'll also work closely with staff and other reps to make real improvements to our student experience. Great stuff please vote for me and you guys will be as happy as I was when I caught this crab WOOO!