Photo of Tianhao Li

Tianhao Li

Black & Minority Ethnic Students: Campaigns Officer

Hello, I’m Tianhao LI, and I’m running to be your Black & Minority Ethnic (BME) Students Campaigns Officer. I am dedicated to creating a more inclusive, equitable, and empowering environment for all BME students at Imperial. Here’s how I’ll achieve this:

  1. Amplifying BME Voices: I will advocate for increased BME representation in decision-making processes and ensure that our concerns are heard and addressed. I’ll establish regular forums for students to share their experiences and feedback, driving meaningful change.

  2. Promoting Cultural Awareness: I will organize events to celebrate cultural diversity and educate the wider community on BME histories and contributions. This will include heritage months, cultural showcases, and speaker events, fostering a deeper appreciation for our diverse backgrounds.

  3. Combatting Discrimination: I will actively campaign against racial discrimination and microaggressions on campus. I’ll work to improve reporting mechanisms, ensuring that all incidents are taken seriously and addressed promptly, and promote anti-racism training for students and staff.

  4. Enhancing Support Services: I will push for tailored mental health and academic support services for BME students, recognizing the unique challenges we may face. I’ll also advocate for more scholarships and funding opportunities to reduce financial barriers.

  5. Strengthening Networks: I will work to expand BME mentorship programs, connecting students with role models in their fields and creating a supportive community.

Vote Tianhao LI for a stronger, more inclusive BME community at Imperial.