Photo of Vishal Vijay Kumar

Vishal Vijay Kumar

Ethics & the Environment: Welfare Officer

Hi everyone! My name is Vishal, a third year medical student and I'm running to be your Ethics & Environment Welfare Officer.

As a medical student, ethics is constantly being drilled into my head. I receive lots of teaching about it, and its something i have to consider every day, especially now since i've started Year 3 which is full of placements in general practice and hospitals. As a result of being exposed to so many ethical considerations on almost a daily basis, I've developed an interest in ethics and ethical practices both at a medical and a broader general scientific context such as ethics in research.

Sustainability is also a big part of the medical school curriculum and one of my interest areas. Like most young people today, I am very concerned about the state of environmental detoriation and the lack of accountability or action by organisations, corporations and governments worldwide. While I may not be able to influence decisions at the national level, I think there's plenty that can be improved upon at Imperial, that I would like to help change.

As Welfare Officer, my main aim would be to create a safe space for students to connect with likeminded students and express their opinions on ethical or environmental issues/practices at Imperial or any suggestions they'd like to offer. My aim would be then to take their voice/opinion to the Union and ultimately Imperial itself to hopefully enact some change.

Thank you for reading my manifesto.