Photo of Tianhao Li

Tianhao Li

Working Class Students: Welfare Officer

Hello, I’m Tianhao LI, and I’m running to be your Welfare Officer for Working Class Students. I am dedicated to supporting students from working-class backgrounds and ensuring equal access to opportunities at Imperial. Here’s how I will work to address the unique challenges we face:

  1. Improve Financial Support and Accessibility: I will advocate for increased bursaries, hardship funds, and emergency financial support. I’ll work to ensure students are aware of these resources and push for clearer communication on available funding.

  2. Enhance Academic and Career Support: I will campaign for accessible career development resources, including tailored workshops on job applications and networking. I’ll also push for additional academic support, such as affordable course materials and more accessible study resources.

  3. Raise Awareness and Reduce Stigma: I will organize campaigns to highlight the experiences of working-class students, promoting a culture of understanding and inclusivity. By sharing stories and raising awareness, we can reduce stigma and foster a more supportive community.

  4. Expand Well-being Services: I will advocate for mental health support tailored to the pressures faced by working-class students, including stress from financial burdens and juggling work with studies. This includes more accessible counseling services.

  5. Strengthen the Community Network: I will facilitate forums and social events that connect working-class students, creating a support network where we can share experiences, resources, and advice.

Vote Tianhao LI – Let’s work together to make Imperial a fairer, more supportive place for all.