Photo of Luke Manzini

Luke Manzini

Orchestra - Symphony: Fundraising Officer

Hey everyone, for anyone who doesn’t know me I am Luke (pictured on left), a second year oboist in ICSO!

If elected as fundraising officer I would aim to reach out to a variety of different brands/companies by clearly setting out who ICSO are and what the benefits of partnering with us are. I strive to be proactive in looking for as many opportunities as possible for ICSO.

Having seen how ICSO runs from afar during the past year, I believe generating more money from sponsors will be a great benefit to everyone’s experience in the orchestra. In addition, I would also be keen to experience and learn how the ICSO committee runs.

I have confidence in my ability to do this role to a high standard and hope to have the opportunity to give back to a great orchestra which has given me many special memories.