Photo of Nagme Bilgehan

Nagme Bilgehan

Yoga: Social Secretary

Yoga has been a big part of my life for the past five years—my sister introduced me to it after I struggled with back injuries, and it’s become my favourite way to find balance and peace. For me, yoga is all about showing up and being present, with no room for ego or competition, and that’s exactly the vibe I want to share with the club. When I finally discovered the Yoga Club (way too late!), I immediately knew I wanted to help spread the word, so more people could discover this amazing community, so more people could discover this amazing community and the regulars would get an enjoyable experience throughout the year.

As Social Secretary, my goal would be to bring us all together outside of the yoga studio and create a sense of community. I would organise a variety of events—whether it's casual get-togethers, themed socials, or something fun and unique—that will give everyone a chance to connect. I also would love to organise some exciting trips where we can take our practice to new environments, explore different aspects of yoga, and just have a great time together. I want these events to be something everyone looks forward to, whether you’re here for the social side, the yoga, or both!

I can’t wait to meet you all and make this year unforgettable!