Photo of Devangi Vyas

Devangi Vyas

Endocrinology: Publicity Officer

Hello Endosoc family! I’m Devangi, a third year medic and the current endosoc publicity officer, hoping to make my position official. With a passion for being a verbal virtuoso, I shall continue to keep our community supportive, facilitate meaningful connections and publicise our events on all platforms. Here are my proposed initiatives to keep everyone in the loop:

  • Improve regular communication channels such as newsletters, websites and social media platforms so important updates reach everyone in a timely manner.
  • Enhance the visibility and impact of our initiatives, by promoting activities across all platforms, using creative marketing strategies and multimedia resources to raise awareness.
  • Foster a culture of transparency and inclusivity by maintaining comprehensive records that are readily available to all members. Furthermore, I plan on increasing platform accessibility for members to easily voice their opinions, concerns and suggestions e.g more takeovers, Q&As and feedback boxes.

Utilising my previous secretary experience, running social media platforms (as the secret endosoc publicity officer) and being a communication officer for a network of welfare charities, I promise to maintain the endocrinology lines of communication and keep us all well connected. Thank you for reading my manifesto and please vote for me :)