Photo of Saad Ayub

Saad Ayub

Muslim Medics: Year 2 Coordinator
In my first 2 years, Muslim Medics has been invaluable both for its learning resources and community, creating a strong brotherhood across the year groups. The MM tutorials have helped carry me through the exams and Inshallah I aim to continue ensuring these provide upcoming 2nd years with success, support and beneficial knowledge.
The Prophet (PBUH) said: "Whoever teaches some knowledge will have the reward of the one who acts upon it, without that detracting from his reward in the slightest."
Being involved in providing knowledge to the next generation of future doctors is a blessing to be a part of.
I was involved in a similar role working with MSID (Medical Schools in Difficulty) as a ‘Group Supervisor’. I was coordinating and providing lectures for Medical students in the Westbank and other conflict zones, whose education had been halted due to the conflict.
This involved me recruiting 10-12 final year medics at Imperial and other universities, to create slides and record mini-lectures. Then working with GPs to review the content and upload them to the website. Like a year 2 coordinator, this role required teamwork, organization and soft skills to recruit and guide the medical students in making lectures. It also helped develop leadership skills, motivating those in my team and troubleshooting where problems arose to come up with solutions. Inshallah these experiences equip me to work well with the current MM team. I've already recruited medics to present tutorials and am making sure the process runs smoothly.