Photo of Max Kelly

Max Kelly

Orchestra - Symphony: Tour Secretary

Hi there! 👋

I'm Maxim Kelly, a 3rd year EEE student and currently the 2nd bassoonist / contrabassoonist in ICSO, and I decided to run for Tour Secretary after experiencing our 2024 tour to Zaragoza and Burgos. It was a really fun experience for everyone involved, and I would love to be a part of the team that makes these amazing tours a reality.

Although ICSO won't be touring until 2026, a lot of preparation, decision-making and brainstorming needs to be done this year to ensure that everything is in place and finalised for the tour, and I think that I would match this role quite well, having already thought of ideas about where to go, the length of the tour, travel, and etc.

I will be returning to Imperial next year and will hopefully run for Tour Secretary again which would greatly help smooth the transition between our current and next committee. Although this will be my first committee role at Imperial, I will try my best to settle into the role quickly and get to work planning what I hope will be an amazing tour in two year's time!!! Until then, happy playing! 🎻

FYI: photo is me on the way to Zaragoza 💤