RSMU: Vice President (Clubs & Societies)


Immy Kennard

Hey, I'm Immy - I'm a 3rd year EPS student and I would love to be your VP (C&S)! For starters, I am passionate about all things bottle (you may have heard me on the megaphone this year) and I'd ensure an affordable - yet unforgettable - away Bottle Match for next year. As current RSM Netball President (and previous Captain), I've dealt with club finances as well as intra, inter and extra-club communications, more ...

Jed Lan

As an active member of our university's clubs and societies, I've seen firsthand the incredible impact they have on student life. They provide a space for students to pursue their passions, build friendships, and develop leadership skills. However, I also recognize the challenges our clubs face, limited funding, lower engagement from non-RSM Union students, and barriers to growth. I am committed to making our clubs ...

Eren Ulug

Where do I even begin? RSMU. The best of the best, the one union to rule them all. Where would we even be if it wasn't for this spectacular architectural masterpiece of a college building? There is a reason why we don't study in a boring brutalist building that makes you hate your life. And that is: we are special. Yes, you heard me right my fellow Miners, truly special. But all jokes aside, it is not the building th ...