Japanese: President


Homare Shimada

Hi ! My name is Homare. I’m an Economics, Finance and Data Science student running for president! Japan Society has been my second home this year. I've loved every person I’ve met through this society, and I would love to help run it next year! Here’s a TLDR before I get into the details Host more diverse events! (eg. mochi making event in New Years) Run semi-regular Japanese Harp music les ...

Ryota Hosokawa

Who am I?Hello! I'm Ryota Hosokawa, a first-year EEE student running for JapSoc president. Over the past year, I’ve been actively involved in organizing events for JapSoc freshers, which has given me valuable insight into how our society can grow and improve. My Vision for JapSocI want to build a strong foundation for the future of our society - one where both Japanese and non-Japanese students can connect and ...