Hey everyone! I’m Isabella, running to be your treasurer next year! Let me introduce myself: I’m a first year Biochemistry student, born and raised in the UK. I’m a massive foodie, and if there’s one thing, we all know – food is at the heart of ABACUS (well…food and clubbing of course x). My goal as Treasurer? I’ll work closely with local restaurants and sponsors to bring ...
Hey everyone! My name is Ji Oh, a first year MechEng student, and I’m excited to be running for junior treasurer next year! Having grown up in Korea before moving to Indonesia at the age of 6 and attending an international school, I was lucky to grow up in a microcosm of a diverse mix of cultures. This experience shaped my appreciation for diversity, and as a part of ABACUS, I hope to bring even more cultura ...
Hi, I'm Anthony and I'm from Hong Kong but I'm British born. I'm currently studying mechanical engineering and my main hobby is playing hockey which I've been playing since I was 6. I've met some of my closest friends in abacus and I love the events and the community which is why I decided to apply for a committee role because I believe I could represent the community in a positive way and make good changes to promot ...