Photo of Lair Hanzen Argentin

Lair Hanzen Argentin

First Aid: Secretary

Hey! My name is Lair, I am from Brazil/Argentina, and I study Medical Biosciences. ICFAS was the very first society I joined at Imperial, and it is to date my favorite. It’s a place where we get to learn about biology and medicine while having fun and ‘literally’ saving lives - what other society offers an opportunity like that?

One of the aspects I most enjoy about ICFAS (apart from the free food ;)) is that we finish meetings with the empowering feeling that you have learned something, a moving sensation that we now possess the knowledge to help others in critical situations. As your secretary, I want to keep up the weekly newsletters, ensuring everyone is aware of the week’s tasks. However, I also want to introduce a Journal section, where I will actively take notes/summarize the content to ensure those who were not present (and those who were but need a refresh) won’t miss any important content!

Honestly, I’d love to watch the society grow up front, and discuss cool ideas with the rest of the society’s leaders - together, I truly think we can keep ICFAS as one of the very best in London!