First Aid: Secretary


Ella Davidson

At seven, I became the protector of an ant hill on my school playground. The boys in my class thought stomping on the ants was fun. With an overly strong moral compass and just 20 kilograms to my name, I decided to be the “muscle” of the hill. It backfired horribly. When the boys came over, they pushed me aside. I lost the battle instantly, tumbled onto the concrete, and scraped my knee. I was ru ...

Lair Hanzen Argentin

Hey! My name is Lair, I am from Brazil/Argentina, and I study Medical Biosciences. ICFAS was the very first society I joined at Imperial, and it is to date my favorite. It’s a place where we get to learn about biology and medicine while having fun and ‘literally’ saving lives - what other society offers an opportunity like that? One of the aspects I most enjoy about ICFAS (apart from the free food ...