General Practice (ICSM): Secretary


Abichana Thavaruban

Hello, I’m Abichana, and I’m running to be your next GP Soc Secretary! General Practice is an incredible field because it offers a unique opportunity to engage with patients across all walks of life, manage a variety of conditions, and establish long-term relationships. I’m keen to get involved in the many GP soc initiatives that support and connect medical students, such as the annual conference a ...

Amna Muhamed Asick

This candidate did not supply a manifesto.

Lavanya Murki

Hi everyone I’m Lavanya, a third year medical student, and I’m running to be the secretary. GP plays a vital role in the treatment of patients. It’s often the patient’s first point of contact with the healthcare system which means that GP shapes how patients view the healthcare system. As secretary I would keep up to date with all the committee meetings, I would be involved in the organisati ...